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Phase 1 - Prototyping

We started by developing a concept based on the target market, material, and production feasibility. We then created 3D renders of the prototype and evaluated different concepts. We tested the prototype for durability, ease of use, and visual appeal.

Phase 2 - Branding

We wanted our branding aesthetic to be contemporary and minimalist, with a focus on clean lines, elegant typography, and subtle pops of color. Something that resonated with our target demographic: young people. Our label design is carefully crafted to reflect the taste and quality of our product, with each flavor having its unique design elements that speak to its taste and ingredients.


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Phase 3 - Surveying

After developing our prototypes with advanced renders, we conducted a survey with our users to better understand the market desire. We learned that they don't want another bottled seltzer company so we chose to use a more elegant bottled design.

Phase 4 - Business Plan

The plan is to target college students and party-goers, starting with USC and partnering with nearby schools. Safety in drinking is important, and we plan to promote it at events and align their branding with sexual assault prevention organizations. The main goal is to raise awareness around drink-spiking, with the hope that larger companies will adopt their solution as an industry standard.

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